Posted by / Thursday, March 20, 2014 / 3 Comments / ,


So I've been using the Johnson's Baby Head-to-Toe wash since Mister was born because that's what I thought I was supposed to use and they gave us a bunch to take home from the hospital. Mister has very sensitive skin and I've noticed more and more eczema as he's gotten older. I hate to see his precious skin so dry so I've been slabbing on the baby lotion and aquaphor twice daily. It does help but the eczema is still there so I decided it was time to try something different, enter Aveeno Baby.

I bought the Aveeno Baby Cleansing Therapy Moisturizing Wash and the Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream last week and can already see a difference. His eczema has almost disappeared, and the wash is so much creamier and smoother on his skin. After the bath I put the lotion on with the aquaphor over it to seal it in. I thought I would share since I've heard from a lot of other mommies experiencing similar problems! I say give Aveeno a try, Mister is clearly happy :)

Mister happy in the bath in Florida
What do you use for baby's skin??

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  1. He just keeps getting cuter! I've always used J&J bath products and then California baby sensitive skin for lotion- I actually just ran out and started using cocoa butter I had lying around and it's worked wonders on Miller's dry skin but I don't love the way it smells so I will look into the aveeno- thanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Does he have Eczema until now? Awww. Poor baby.
    ~Pauline @ Aveeno Philippines


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