Posted by / Wednesday, October 23, 2013 / 1 Comment /

Island Chic in NYC

I'm in LOVE with this eclectic New York City apartment designed by its glamourous inhabitant Rebecca de Ravenel, the 31-year-old founder of the Goombay Bazaar, a traveling pop-up shop that sells one-of-a-kind wares from all over the world.

Renecca spent many years living in the Bahamas and you can certainly see the tropical/island chic
 influence in her home.

I love all the vintage pieces

and what's better than blue and white?

isn't it lovely?

images from APT with LSD on

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny - I just was oogling over this apt on another blog that I read! Then I came across this post on your blog -- the apt is to die for .... and I can't put my finger on why, but I absolutely adore that giraffe head coming out of the wall! Do you read She featured a before and after blog post on the apt before Rebecca redecorated


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