Posted by / Friday, October 4, 2013 / 13 Comments / , , , , , ,


Welcome to my new home, PURE JOY HOME. Some of you may know me from my four years (wow how the time flies) blogging, tweeting, instagramming, facebooking, and pinteresting at Shorely Chic, and although my passion for all things beach will forever continue, blogging about my new life as a stay at home mom feels closer to my heart and is undoubtedly a more accurate reflection of me. I am so looking forward to this change and connecting with you through my posts.

My name is Liz Joy and I am a new mother who left her job to stay at home with her precious little baby boy and while he's sleeping, perfect the art of all things HOME. As soon as I became a mom and coincidentally moved into a new house the week before (at 40 weeks pregnant, that was fun), my mother, my hero, told me that I would forever be "the heart of the home". I took what she said very seriously and have made creating a home full of love for my family my number one priority.

I'm having so much fun and learning so much day-to-day raising little Brian, cooking recipes, decorating our home, making projects, entertaining friends, working on my Etsy shop, attempting to get my body back, etc... and look forward to sharing my experiences with you. I'll be posting my daily thoughts, feelings and happenings on this blog and hope you'll follow along on this exciting new venture!


  1. Can't wait to follow along! Love your new blog! It's totally you Liz!!! Your baby is beautiful!

  2. Im sure this new chapter is going to be even more fulfilling than the first! (at least until he is a teen!) xo Jenn @decaporter

  3. you have a beautiful little family!! i know your hubby from school and he was probably one of the nicest kids i have ever met! so with that said, i wish you and your family great happiness and joy!!! and the best of luck to you all

  4. Delighted to see your new blog!!

  5. Home is where your heart is now so this is a good change. I just want you to know that choosing to remain home is a beautiful decision. You will never ever regret it. It is still not recognized as a full time job or valued as it should be. I chose to remain home to raise my son and then all my babies that followed him. I have chosen to continue to remain home even with only two out of my four children still here. But even though they are in college now they still need and like me to be here for them. My daughter who is away at UC Berkeley text me this morning saying she misses my chicken soup. Poor girl is sick with a fever. I just want you to know Liz that you Re doing a noble thing and i am cheering for you. By the way you look great after child birth. You really radiate with beauty.

  6. best of luck in your new blog! enjoy the little guy!

  7. Love the new Blog name! Loved your Shorely Chic blog and am excited to follow you here now. Will have to update my Blog Reading List!
    xo Elisabeth
    Headbands & Bagels

  8. Hi Liz! So happy for you in your new "Home" Can't wait to see what you share with us.

  9. Congrats Liz! Enjoy that sweet boy!

  10. Love the new look, can't wait to follow along here!

  11. Congrats, Liz!! So very happy for you...enjoy the journey!


  12. Liz, congrats on this exciting new journey! I'm excited to follow along (hoping to follow in your mommy-footsteps in the near future). Going to add your new blog to my blogroll! And I must say, you look absolutely stunning!

  13. Can't wait to follow along!! Brian is seriously so cute!


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